Cigar Review Panel
Calling All Cigar Enthusiasts!
City Tobacco is assembling a panel of cigar smokers to review / rate cigars on a weekly basis. Contact Shawn @ City Tobacco Phone : (860)934-5448 or E-mail : to learn more.
In a blind tasting, The Cigar Panel smokes cigars anonymously. By removing cigar bands the members of the tasting panel are unaware of what they’re smoking. The cigars are rated on a 100-point ranking system (see cigar rating system below) based on specific criteria: appearance & construction, flavor, smoking performance, and overall impression.
As our tastes, the process is subjective, so why do we place such importance on what “experts” tell us? How do these ratings influence a smoker’s choice when selecting a cigar? At City Tobacco, we believe these rating systems have done wonders for the industry and the quality of cigars being made. Manufacturers nowadays make the best possible cigars aiming to achieve those coveted high ratings.
We believe these ranking systems to be a good guide for consumers, BUT, we also believe purchasing decisions must not solely depend on ratings. You also need to listen to your local tobacconist and ask questions.
Cigar Rating System :
The classic cigar rating evaluates a cigar on the following criteria:
Appearance and construction (15 points)
Flavor (25 points)
Smoking characteristics (25 points)
Overall impression (35 points)